Beginning of a New Decade – A Macro Perspective

I watch this country grapple with staggering events by joking and sharing memes as another country’s trying to gain control of powerful flames. Because that’s how difficult stuff is dealt with, creating light to process the heavy weight. I don’t have answers, I barely have questions. I hope everything will be okay. I’m just notContinue reading “Beginning of a New Decade – A Macro Perspective”

My Favorite Books of the Decade!

Dear Reader, This isn’t the usual blog post you’re used to reading every week. I wanted to switch things up a bit for my final blog post of the year (and the decade!). Beneath this note is a list of my 40 favorite books I’ve read in the last decade! The organization of the listContinue reading “My Favorite Books of the Decade!”

The Importance of Healing

When the body is in pain, all you can do is listen. Listen to what your body is telling you. Slowing down helps the body recover. It’s not always easy or fun but it’s important to be patient with your body in the midst of pain and do what you can to help yourself heal.

The Best Christmas Gift

Thirteen years ago today, my parents took me to PetSmart after speech therapy to look at the cats. We had gotten a cat earlier in the year who turned out to be kind of a dud. She was sweet but full of nerves (still is). Little did I know, my parents had been to PetSmartContinue reading “The Best Christmas Gift”

Brain Reset

It feels like her brain constantly resets. That’s the best way I can understand it. To watch the ones you love become different people is disheartening. It’s the disease they have that causes them to revert to children or toddlersdepending on how bad it is.You love them but it’s difficult to watch. It’s difficult toContinue reading “Brain Reset”


It’s clear to me that seasons no longer exist. They only exist as dates on a calendar, marking the passage of time. The rest has faded away to a time and place the planet no longer knows. We’ve had at least five major snow storms in the last two months. It’s autumn, where leaves areContinue reading “Disappeared”

Look at the Green Grass

You choose to look at the dead field instead of the green grass.Why?The cliché phrase is true, you know?The grass is greener on the other side.Someone may tell you to look at the field. The green one, not the one with no life.You won’t look at it until someone tells you.But then you look atContinue reading “Look at the Green Grass”

The Case of Misunderstanding

The intention of the message is lost, causing both sides to bicker and banter. Perspective impacts opinion and causes emotions to cloud one’s judgment. Person one says something to person two. Person two takes what person one said to heart and accuses person one of meaning something they didn’t because the communication wasn’t clear. ThisContinue reading “The Case of Misunderstanding”

A Reminder to Be Respectful

I don’t have to agree with you to respect you.You don’t have to agree with me to respect me.We can come from two different backgrounds and generations,have different perspectives, beliefs, and ideas, and still, be respectful of one another.The focus is often on what is different about us,who we love, what we believe, where weContinue reading “A Reminder to Be Respectful”

Before I Had the Language

Before I had the language to understand and articulate, I just had the feeling. I was twelve, sitting in my sixth-grade classroom, looking down at what I had written. These words seem to have come out of nowhere, like magic. I looked around the room and realized no one could tell how I was feeling.Continue reading “Before I Had the Language”