Memories Exist in Places

I walk up the stairs Moments of coming back Every summer flash Through my mind And I start to cry. The struggle to get Suitcases up and down, The many falls I took, Slipping halfway down Then sliding the rest of the way Everyone asking if I was okay. Little memories I will always HoldContinue reading “Memories Exist in Places”

Late August

Laughter fills the night As I say goodbye to my twenties Stars barely visible behind the clouds Should have been raining by now And yet it was nice enough to have a fire Then stand out on the dock Reflecting on the day we had The weather stayed nice for longer Than the weatherman saidContinue reading “Late August”

For Grammie

My summers were filled with The light of your house, The sound of your voice, The smell of your cookies, The familiar rooms I always returned to. When my year was always different, You were always there to welcome us home, Our home away from home. I loved watching You tend to your flowers asContinue reading “For Grammie”

Four Boxes

What is kept contains memories I don’t want to ever forget. The innocence of my childhood, the fears of my teenager years, the searching of my twenties, wrapped up in these items I place in boxes. Some I will take with me, most I will leave here. The things I donate or throw away aren’tContinue reading “Four Boxes”

Trip to Greenville

A few weeks ago, I took a day trip with my aunt and uncle up to Greenville, Maine. We drove around and had lunch near the lake at a place called the Stress Free Moose. We entered the restaurant and the bar was packed with people. On a Tuesday afternoon! We ate outside and people-watchedContinue reading “Trip to Greenville”

Night Thoughts

The moon shines in through my window. Lighting up a spot on the floor, Reminds me of an Edward Hopper painting. I wake from my sleep to let my cat in once more. My room is a safe space from the visiting dogs who do not understand why the cat doesn’t want to play. HeContinue reading “Night Thoughts”

Central Park, Deck 8

The one place I can find peace and quiet. Central Park, Deck 8. Above me, chaos ensues. Children screaming, parents yelling. The beauty of being on a large boat. I sit under the shade of a cabana With a Starbucks and a book. I try to write but I can’t think of anything. Too muchContinue reading “Central Park, Deck 8”

36th Street

After a long day of speech therapy and wandering around the city, I take a shortcut to return back to my hotel. 36th street. A random street. The sun has disappeared behind the clouds. The street is quiet, a welcomed change from Park Avenue. I’m halfway down between Park and Lexington when I notice aContinue reading “36th Street”