Late August

Laughter fills the night As I say goodbye to my twenties Stars barely visible behind the clouds Should have been raining by now And yet it was nice enough to have a fire Then stand out on the dock Reflecting on the day we had The weather stayed nice for longer Than the weatherman saidContinue reading “Late August”

Ode To My Twenties

A wise woman once told me It doesn’t matter how old you are All that matters is how you feel. I have been reading my old journals lately. I am not who I used to be But the memories remain on The surface of my being. I had a lot of strong feelings. I loveContinue reading “Ode To My Twenties”


Arriving at the museum two hours before they closed on a Saturday night was less than ideal. It was jammed packed with people who loved to stand right in the middle of doorways or breathe too closely on the paintings. I had no other choice, I was only in the city for 48 hours. ThisContinue reading “MoMA”

For Grammie

My summers were filled with The light of your house, The sound of your voice, The smell of your cookies, The familiar rooms I always returned to. When my year was always different, You were always there to welcome us home, Our home away from home. I loved watching You tend to your flowers asContinue reading “For Grammie”

Going to the Theatre

I sit in a crowded theatre next to people I don’t know behind me are people I do know I turn around to see their reaction when I think something is funny this is the first time I have sat front and center in a crowd in years 15 minutes into the play I realizeContinue reading “Going to the Theatre”

happy place

For two days, I disconnect from my reality. Time moves slowly. I trace the sun across the cloudless sky, rising up on one side of the horizon then falling below the other. I read my book, write poems in my journal, and only grab my phone to capture this beautiful view. For the first timeContinue reading “happy place”

Each Step

I walk by the ocean and breathe in the salt air. I can breathe easy here. I can walk for miles on roads and sand without hesitation. My body gets stronger with each step I take. I am not dragged down by the lack of oxygen. This is how I show myself love. This isContinue reading “Each Step”

Chain Reaction

“Nothing behind me, everything ahead of me, as is ever so on the road.” ― Jack Kerouac Driving across the country, I admire the different shades of green and welcome the warm weather. I follow cars and trucks along state lines, over the border to another country. I learn to pay attention to different speeds I neverContinue reading “Chain Reaction”

Facing the Strange

I face all the scary strange feelings of this moment. I don’t shy away from feeling all my fears, all my joy, all my excitement and anxiety that comes along with stepping into something new and unknown. I breathe through panic and distraction. I am present and focused on the now. I remind myself toContinue reading “Facing the Strange”

Four Boxes

What is kept contains memories I don’t want to ever forget. The innocence of my childhood, the fears of my teenager years, the searching of my twenties, wrapped up in these items I place in boxes. Some I will take with me, most I will leave here. The things I donate or throw away aren’tContinue reading “Four Boxes”