Type This Story

The montage plays in my headScenes blurred from realityEarly morning, but my thoughtsSwirl as though I have been drinkingLost in trying to type this storyBefore it leaves me, typing awayInspired by songs filled withRaw vulnerability, the poet of our timeInspired me to write down half thought-outLines on notes that live in the cloudOne day I’llContinue reading “Type This Story”

happiness is

walking on the beach maneuvering as the waves hit the sand the fallen leaves on the grass all colorful in their glory dancing to my favorite songs when everyone is sleeping singing along to songs I loved as a kid in the car long road trips to my favorite place gray days where it’s warmContinue reading “happiness is”

10:23 pm

my window is closed I can hear the cicadas chirping loudly tonight drowning out the usual quiet of august evenings, the rain this afternoon startled the whole house the dog ran from the bathroom to the closet nonstop for thirty minutes like a spy trying to hide darting from one dark space to the other,Continue reading “10:23 pm”


I love how summer returns you to yourself – Alex Dimitrov Summer is approaching. The warm air has returned. I’m happy taking photos of flowers and staying outside for hours. This is when I can breathe without worrying about my lungs freezing. I pay attention while getting lost in my thoughts, it’s a balancing actContinue reading “Summer”

Night Sounds

The train blares its horn as it travels by. I hear it throughout the night. The pipes screech when I turn off the water. Chocolate bubbles on the stove. The container pops when I secure the top. The dishwasher whistles at the beginning of its cycle. The pages of a library book rustle together asContinue reading “Night Sounds”

Loop Around The Sun

I watched a white plane loop around the sun, cross the crescent moon one sunny afternoon. The fallen snow from days before caught my attention. I looked away then looked back only to see it had vanished, fading into the soft blue sky slowly then all at once. It looped back time and time again,Continue reading “Loop Around The Sun”

Observations During A Blizzard

The dog burrows himself into the snow. This is his definition of heaven, loving every second of creating new paths in the backyard that will melt by the weekend. A robin moves from one unstable branch to the next, trying to withstand the 45 mph winds. Ice gets blown on to the window, creating uniqueContinue reading “Observations During A Blizzard”

Polar Bear

For Marsha. If you’re a polar bear, you see differently. You see beauty in the ordinary, Details in the smallest of places, You visualize instead of problem solve. You’re a poet, writer, artist, painter. You strive to show your perspective Through the work you create. Creating art comes as naturally as breathing. You can seeContinue reading “Polar Bear”

This Isn’t A Painting

The moon shining in through the window, bright as the sun at noon. I capture this photo with my phone that doesn’t have night mode. It looks more like a painting than an actual photograph. The colors are muted through the lens looking into the darkness. The outline of the room still appears in tact.Continue reading “This Isn’t A Painting”

Light & Quiet

When snow blankets the earth, life quiets. Stepping outside feels like the volume You never notice has been turned down. The only sound you hear is your steps Making a path that will melt When it meets the sun. The night brings light to the darkness When the full moon bounces off the snow, ItContinue reading “Light & Quiet”