Late August

Laughter fills the night As I say goodbye to my twenties Stars barely visible behind the clouds Should have been raining by now And yet it was nice enough to have a fire Then stand out on the dock Reflecting on the day we had The weather stayed nice for longer Than the weatherman saidContinue reading “Late August”

wordless day

I stayed in the mountains spent some time by myself to read and write and relax silence scared me or so I thought pushing back the noise of every day life to embrace to silence of a still room made me uncomfortable at first I finished a few books and scribbled down a couple ofContinue reading “wordless day”

Reading By The Lake

Late September, early fall, crisp in the air. Center Pond, Maine, late-afternoon. I sit by the lake with a jacket and boots on, kindle in my hand. The leaves across the way are changing. The slight breeze in the air drops the temperature, but the sun blaring in my eyes allows some warmth to stay.Continue reading “Reading By The Lake”


The morning began with stillness. I watched as the sun rose over the horizon and filtered through the trees, still half asleep. My mother’s childhood bedroom, flower wallpaper, a quilt on the chair in the corner, two small vases on the window sill. I’d wake up most mornings I slept here and watched this viewContinue reading “Grateful”

This Too Shall Pass – Poem & Short Film

I have held on tightly to little things during this time. Walking my dog then watching him roll around in the grass right before we go inside. Finding my cats soaking up the sunshine in the mornings. Reading when my mind will allow me to focus on the words written on the page. Writing myContinue reading “This Too Shall Pass – Poem & Short Film”

Trials and Tribulations

When I started my blog a year ago, I didn’t expect to be dealing with the issues I have now. Last year, I was just diagnosed with Hashimoto’s and finishing up my degree in English. These last few months have been defined by my health, particularly my thyroid eye disease. It’s sad but true. EyesContinue reading “Trials and Tribulations”